Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What Can You Do for Your University

When selecting where I would be spending the next four years of life I did my best to look past the surface of each institute of higher education. Past the tag lines, the beautiful campuses, the records of athletic teams and the raving reviews of cafeteria food. Sure, it’s nice to be a part of something exceptional at a beautiful place with superstar football players who eat like kings, but that’s not what mattered in the end. What mattered most was the reputation of academics, the passion of the professors, the number of graduates who went on to do great things, and the resources available to the students. I chose The University of Mount Union because I felt that it best met my criteria of what matters most at this point in my life.  Mount offered me all of the resources and opportunities I need to fulfill my vision.
Although my vision has been altered and enhanced many times over the past few years, I feel as though I finally made a decision. This time last year it became clear what I was to do with my life. In the crucial moments of finalizing college scholarships and applications, my mom was diagnosed with Stage 3 HER 2+ breast cancer. As my world was flipped upside down and spinning faster than I thought possible, I was enlightened. From the day of diagnosis I wanted answers; why is this happening, how is this happening, and most importantly, how can we stop it. I became intrigued with the cancer; the mutations of cells, the treatments, and the uncertainty. All of the unanswered questions have led me to where I am now, pursuing a biology degree with hopes to study and work in oncology.
It is a mission of The University of Mount Union to prepare students for "fulfilling lives, meaningful work, and responsible citizenship." I believe that by aiding me in the completion of my personal academic and life goals, Mount will complete their mission. Throughout my four years on this campus I hope to fulfill both my dreams and the dreams of others, work for the good of others and never do anything without a purpose, and learn to be a responsible adult in the process. If I complete my goals, I will continue to live in such a way that will meet the standards and mission of the University. Mount truly has a great reputation, passionate professors, a high graduate placement rate, and endless resources. Everything I need is here, now I must utilize what I have been blessed with.
The next few years of my life will be spent in Bracy Hall as I take the courses necessary for my degree. With a wide variety of major classes and electives, there is no doubt I will leave this campus with a detailed knowledge of my field. All of the science courses offered through Mount will benefit me in some way. I hope to take as many of the offered courses as possible. With dedicated professors who are extremely passionate about their research and teaching, I will learn to be passionate about the field as well. I believe when a professor loves what they are teaching the quality of the course is higher. Not only will the science courses help me achieve my goal, but the required courses as well. The required courses will allow me to become well rounded. Mount has passionate professors in every area of study which leads me to believe I will be receiving a quality education, as long as I fulfill my duties as the student. Responsibility will most definitely be taught in the classroom, which will help me to become a responsible citizen.
The resources and opportunities on Mount’s campus will play a vital role in my success. Aside from our wonderful library, laboratories, and technologies, the campus provides me with many opportunities to become involved. Through various activities and clubs I will learn responsibility and in most cases serve my community. One activity I recently became involved with is the St. Jude’s Up all Night. This event raises money for St. Jude’s Research Hospital, which is a hospital specializing in childhood cancer. By being a part of this event I am being exposed to an organization specializing in something similar to my goal. Not only does this allow me to gain experience and knowledge, but it allows me to network. As I work with representatives from the hospital I am creating relationships that may help me after graduation. I believe one of the reasons Mount has such a high job placement rate is due to the networking opportunities available throughout your time on campus. I hope to be a part of an internship with one of the hospitals involved with on campus activities. I am confident that the resources and opportunities Mount has for me will be essential in my success.
As I complete courses and take part in many activities on campus, I believe I will fulfill my life goals and hope to fulfill the lives of others through my work. As I work as an oncologist or in the field on oncology, my work will be for a purpose. To me, there is no work more meaningful than the work that helps, or even saves, another person. I will become a responsible citizen as I learn the critical duties expected of me while serving others. I believe that my time here at Mount should reflect the mission statement. It is my duty as a student here to fulfill the statement. It’s more than what Mount can do for me, it’s what I can do for Mount. I hope to positively impact this campus before I leave it. To make a mark, to do something great, to adequately represent what this University stands for. When I turn my tassel and depart from this campus, I hope to say that Mount Union has prepared me for fulfilling lives, meaningful work, and responsible citizenship, but more importantly I hope Mount Union can say confidently that I will withhold their mission throughout my life.

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